The Residences At 1428 Brickell Hosts Demolition Celebration As Their Construction Site Begins Preparation - Miami Luxury 首页s-365官方app
迈克尔·莱特/ 2024年6月5日

重型设备被运了进来 老旧的80年代办公大楼 曾经位于布里克尔1428号的房子现在被毁了, making way for a glittering new energy-efficient luxury condo development called 布里克尔1428号的公寓. But before the heavy moving began, we did what people in Miami do… we celebrated!

Miami is famous for always finding a reason to celebrate, but a demolition party is arguably one of the most fun and productive events you can take part in here in the 305. 它充满了对未来的兴奋, 魅力与威望, 365app的“out-with-the-old, 新的“心态, we can get a much-needed release of tension in an appropriate atmosphere, and toast to the future with our fellow brokers before heading back out to create more Miamians and fill our towers.

的开发团队 Residences at 1428 Brickell recently gathered for this monumental event, bidding goodbye to an aging office building and ushering in 189 luxury residences in the 迈阿密的第一座太阳能豪华大厦.

在朋友和同事之间, 所有人都聚集在塔楼的停车场, which has been vacated for months as the developer disconnected the power and gathered the necessary permits from the city. Champagne was passed with hors d’oeuvres by suited white glove waiters, there were photo ops galore as everyone giggled and swung at the building as cameras flashed.

1428 Brickell拆迁派对开胃菜

1428 Brickell拆迁派对开胃菜

1428 Brickell拆迁派对香槟服务

1428 Brickell拆迁派对香槟服务

聚会结束后, the team went back to work with indentations in our coifs from the hard hats as the workers with heavy equipment and proper skill filtered in behind us and did the heavy lifting.

现在跨越了里程碑, we think solidly toward the future and the beautiful tower that will stand before us, 在365app著名的天际线上留下自己的印记.

“When we acquired the property at 1428 Brickell Avenue, we did so with the firm intent of delivering a level of design, 工艺, and meaningful innovation never before seen in Miami. 随着拆迁工作的展开, we will ensure that even the earliest stages of 布里克尔1428号的公寓’s construction echo our commitment to delivering a truly superior product for our buyers,” Ytech的首席执行官、开发者Yamal Yidios说.

Mr. 易迪奥斯不仅仅是在推销他的产品, we have covered every step of this development and been impressed at every turn. From the purposeful designs to the flow of space and privacy of the layouts has been impressive. Even details within the walls are worth speaking about despite the fact they’ve never been seen.



1428 Brickell Skyline的渲染图

1428 Brickell Skyline的渲染图

现在拆迁正如火如荼地进行, the path is open to move toward the scheduled completion in 2027. It has been estimated that the 861-foot tower will take approximately 19 moths to reach full height with two tower cranes that are each over 1,离地000英尺.

价格从2美元起.4 million for a two-bedroom plus den, to four-bedrooms plus den ranging from $5.500万到700万美元. Lower penthouses start at $8 million with the spectacular 6000万美元的顶层公寓 that has 30-foot ceilings and unparalleled views and a private rooftop pool.

If you are interested in a private presentation of 布里克尔1428号的公寓 当前可用性和具体定价, 请联系Michael Light, Broker and Executive Director of Luxury Sales at Douglas Elliman. You may reach Michael directly at (786) 566-1700 or via email at

图片来源:YTech Development

For more information, please download the fact sheet and floor plans here:
1428 Brickell平面图


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